Assignment 2: Project plan and preliminary design

Assignment 2: Project plan and preliminary design




Introduction. 2

Table of weekly activities. 3

Roles and responsibilities of each member 5

Gantt chart for the project 6

Project design. 7

Project individual design. 10

Budget 10

Conclusion. 10

References. 11





This report includes the details table of the weekly activities identified to successfully complete the project by the group of four members. The roles and responsibilities of each member are also broken down and explained in this report to provide complete objectivity and guidance to the members and to provide a defined structure to the report. This is followed by including the Gantt chart that lists all the appropriate steps and actions for the project. The high level project design is also explained and depicted through a diagram in this report defining the project plan and preliminary design. The project individual design approaches adopted for collecting the data from the peer to peer networks and methodologies adopted for it will be explained along with the design approaches. The budget defined for the hardware, software and human resources to be implemented by the organisations for collecting the data and successfully implementing this plan for categorising and ranking the information on the basis of their reputation is explained in this report[1].



Table of weekly activities

The entire project for the programmatic gathering of the peer to peer data from various sources, websites and networks will be compiled within a period of seven weeks. All the members of the team have together identified and determined all the activities that need to be carried out for gathering the information from these networks and the weekly breakup of the activities is included in this section. This also includes the detailed breakdown of the work to be completed for each week by the members in terms of the activities that are to be done for successfully compiling the given project[2].

Week Activities
Week 1 ·         Deciding and defining the topic

·         Understanding the research scope deciding want for the activities and tasks to be completed

·         Breaking down the tasks

·         Developing a time schedule

·         Assigning the tasks and responsibilities to the members

·         Deciding on the methodology and the individual design approach to be adopted for the project by the team

·         Finalising the process and the roles and responsibilities of each member.

Week 2 ·         Designing the detailed and complete layout of the project

·         Carrying out the literature review and the review of The previously published reports on the same or related topics

·         Gathering more information about peer to peer network and the reputation data and finalising the websites and networks to be included

Week 3 ·         Finding out the current gap and identifying the resources required to fill it.

·         Identifying the challenges to the report and finding out ways to overcome them

·         Designing the detailed mechanism for the rest of the project and the purpose of it

·         Gathering information from the primary and secondary sources and compiling it

Week 4 ·         Carrying out the analysis and figuring out a way to rank the information on the basis of their reputation

·         Development of the reputation management system after gathering the details of the peer to peer user data

·         Putting the plan into practice and categorising and ranking the information by understanding the criteria for ranking the reputation data

Week 5 ·         Interpreting the data and the possible advantages of interpretation of these systems

·         Understanding and identifying the contribution made by the project

Week 6 ·         Finding the conclusions and the scope for further research on this topic

·         Understanding the resourcefulness of the project and the contribution made by it in the field

·         Communicating the importance of this peer to peer reputation data management system

·         Concluding the project by designing the final draft that assimilates all the information

Week 7 ·         Making the final changes and submitting the project after the approval of the supervisor.


Roles and responsibilities of each member

This project is carried out in groups of four numbers each member has been assigned specific responsibilities in terms of project conduction and completion. The detailed responsibilities of each member for the successful completion of this project are listed in the table below[3].

Name Responsibilities
Team member 1 Finding the sources of literature review for developing a background for the research and a specific rationale for the project
Team member 2 Keeping the record of the Literature studied by each member and compiling it.

Finalising the goals and objectives of the project.

Developing the roles and responsibilities for each member and ensuring that they are communicated to them and completed in a timely manner.

Team member 3 Supervising the process of scrapping in data collection and deciding on the most suitable process for the same.

Finalising the websites from which deputation data will be gathered and assigning the responsibilities of Data Collection to the team members.

Team member 4 Supervising test simulation of the information and the rest of the project.

Gathering all the information and compiling it in the form of the report.

Communicating with each team member for any Input and for developing the drafts until they are finalized for submission


Gantt chart for the project

Activity Months
Week 1 Week 2 Week 3 Week 4 Week 5 Week 6 Week 7
Finalizing the research topic              
Collecting data from the  secondary sources              
Designing the layout of the research              
 Literature review study              
Research plan formation              
Selection of research methodologies              
Data collection from the secondary resources              
Analysis of data              
Interpretation of  the collected data              
Concluding the research Study              
Designing a draft              
Submitting the Final Research Work              


Project design

The standard peer-to-peer reputation system is built with the help of an overlay network that facilitates the exchange of Information and commodities over the internet through trusted sources. The picture below represents a typical aggregation system that is used by the organisations where the solid lower line helps in linking all the intended partners that are involved in the exchange process. The upper solid line in the figure helps in representing mutual trust that is present between the peers that are connected through a peer-to-peer network. The dashed lines in the diagram are representative of all the intermediate peers that are involved in the process of aggregation and helps in highlighting the flow of data throughout the process[4].

The project design that will be implemented for carrying out this study and gathering the information from the peer to peer networks is represented in the flow chart below. This begins by introducing the topic and identifying the research background and the specific aims and objective that this research is willing to fulfil. This is followed by the development of the conceptual design by carrying out the literature review and building on the theory that is present in the subject. By carrying out the literature review the team will gain some clarity and develop clearly stated empirical questions that this research is willing to answer. This is followed by the process of Data Collection. For this project, the data is collected directly from the peer-to-peer networks and a mySQL database is developed for arranging and maintaining the information that is gathered from all the services listed below [5]. By implementing the tools for scraping and data collection this research will be conducted to suitably analyse and carrier the assessment of the reputation of the data and rate it objectively. By making use of an old script that is developed for versatile scraping and data collection, the reputation score will be awarded to each of the sites. The sites that will be used for data collection and to rank on the basis of the reputation are StackOverflow, gitHub, linkedIn, Airbnb, Airtasker, Facebook, eBay, Airtasker, Upwork, Freelancer, TaskRabbit, Quora, TripAdvisor, Trustpilot, Reddit and Instagram. All the services and these websites listed above will be used for creating a database that will have the details of the reputation data captured from these sources. The process of data analysis will include defining the profile and all the information that needs to be extracted along with any additional information that we need to provide for these sources in the project. The analysis and interpretation of the data is carried out at the end to reach the desired conclusions and the findings and conclusion of the project is clearly stated in the report[6].


Project individual design

For the individual design of the project, the websites will be finalized from where the reputation data will be gathered. Awaiting will be developing our own script which will increase the versatility and will reduce the cost of the project and data collection. The script will be implemented for scrapping and collection of data required for the completion of the project[7].



The budget for the implementation of just told that will help it collecting and ranking user application data for the given websites only required software implementation cost. There is no cost of the human resource since this process is completely automated. Only the basic computer hardware is required for implementing this tool that will help in the problematic collection of the poor to peer user reputation data.



This report comprises of the detailed project plan and the preliminary design developed for programmatically gathering and analysing the peer-to-peer user reputation data.




[1] D. Team, “Project Development Process,” 2015.
[2] NASA, “Preliminary Design Review: Vehicle and Payload Experiment Criteria,” 2013.
[3] Hill, “Preliminary Project Plan,” 2016.
[4] NSLS, “Conventional facilities overview,” 2013.
[5] R. Solís-Carcano and G. Corona-Suárez, “The Use of Project Time Management Processes and the Schedule Performance,” pp. 1-9, 2015.
[6] C. Blair, “Cinnamon Drive Canal Planning Study: Conceptual Design Report,” Flynn Consulting Engineers, 2014.
[7] H. Wang and A. Bhattacharjee , “Preliminary study on design and development of a journal focused crawler system using EBD methodology,” 2014.